there is a stillness pulling me into the silence
of a mirrored dawn, it doesn't make a
sound as it gentles the edges of what I see.
there is a stillness that holds me,
buoys me, laps around my heart and softens all
the harsh noises of the day...
there is a stillness so placid and motionless that
when I place my hand beneath the surface I am
not sure where it stops and I begin. even movement
doesn't inform fingers, palm, wrist...hands folded
in prayer...of the boundaries where one
begins and the other ends...
there is a stillness that says "this is you..." this is
your nature, this is what you look like when you
are all I have made you to be...be still, be still,
be still...and know.
there is a stillness that is ever itself, never
the less, consistently constant in its always-ness
a conscious capacity to know...just to know...and
then to observe the ebb and flow of that knowing...
there is a stillness that calls to me...in the blue
light that pushes forward the dawn and the
lavender-edged blush of a maiden as she
pulls in the twilight... a stillness that eddies in
a pool of sunlight...stretching, spilling, splaying
promise along the banks of our living....
there is a stillness that is as weightless as
dew, as heavy as an old quilt on a late November
morning, as languid as moonlight on the
Chesapeake beneath a canopy of stars....
there is a stillness I will dive deep within
myself to find at the center of His kingdom...
the place where He reigns...still
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